Prof. Zuckermann at Academia.Edu
Prof. Zuckermann at the UQ reSEARCHers Website
LANGUAGE REVIVAL AND SURVIVAL, lessons from the Hebrew revival applicable to the reclamation, maintenance and empowerment of Aboriginal languages and cultures, Maori revitalization, the maintenance of endangered languages as a tool for cultural empowerment, universal constraints and global mechanisms in language reclamation (e.g. Kaurna), renewal (e.g. Ngarrindjeri) and revitalization (e.g. Walmajarri) – cf. other RE-terms such as restoration, resurrection, resuscitation, reinvigoration, reintroduction, regenesis, revernacularization, reawakening, rebirth and renaissance.
LANGUAGE CONTACT AND LEXICAL EXPANSION, contact linguistics and camouflage, disguised lexical and grammatical borrowing, calquing; the concealed influence of English/American on Israeli ("Ivrit"), Mandarin (Modern Standard Chinese, Taiwan Mandarin), Japanese, Arabic, Cantonese and Yiddish; folk-etymological nativization (FEN): phono-semantic matching (PSM), semanticized phonetic matching (SPM) and phonetic matching (PM); concealed grammatical borrowing, language contact and linguistic gender, graphic borrowing (Japanese->Chinese, Yiddish->Israeli)
LANGUAGE GENESIS AND MULTIPLE CAUSATION, hybridization, mixed languages, reinvented languages: Revolutionized Turkish, "Revived Hebrew" (i.e. Israeli), language evolution, linguistic change, relexification, linguistic genetics, pidgins and creoles, the Founder Principle, the Congruence Principle, fusion, convergence
APPLIED LINGUISTICS, SECOND LANGUAGE LEARNING, English as the world's language, lexicography, dictionaries, language planning, mnemonics, alternative methods in foreign language teaching, EFL, ESL, LOTE
LEXICOLOGY, MORPHOLOGY, multisourced neologization, lexical conflation, substitution cum importation, LEXICAL ENGINEERING, popular etymology in the service of puristic language planning, passive versus active folk-etymology, créations savantes versus créations populaires, lexicon enrichment, guestwords, foreignisms, loanwords, internationalisms, slangisms and colloquialisms, rephonologization, word formation
POLYCHRONIC LINGUISTICS, both synchronic and diachronic analysis of linguistic phenomena, comparative historical linguistics, linguistic typology, writing systems, FUNCTIONAL (and theoretical) linguistics, Basic Linguistic Theory, lexical SEMANTICS, phonetics and phonology
SOCIOLINGUISTICS, ISRAELI/JEWISH SOCIETY, CULTURE, IDENTITY AND LANGUAGE, the language of politics and the politics of language in (Eretz) Israel since 1880; the dynamics between the Israeli language and Israeli society, culture, politics, religion, media, film and music; the Americanization of Israel, the camouflaged influence of American on the Israeli language; Zionism and Hebrew/Israeli, the Academy of the Hebrew Language; the survival of Yiddish Beneath Israeli; rejective versus adoptive lexical engineering in Talmudic Hebrew, as well as in the Hebrew variants and the Yiddish dialects of the Middle Ages.
Lingua Mosaica o Lingua-Mosaico?: La Genetica dell'Israeliano
SOCIO-PHILOLOGY, THEO-LINGUISTICS, language and ideology, politics of linguistics, language and society, socio-theo-linguistic profiling of the transition to violence amongst religious groups - with special attention to fundamentalist Muslims, Christians and Jews; mechanisms of linguistically-based neutralization of violence, e.g. manipulative interpretation, lexical engineering and folk-etymologization