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Israeli Limericks (khamshirim)

Khamshír is an Israeli limerick, a jocular 5-line poem with AABBA rhyming. The Israeli word חמשיר khamshír is a portmanteau blend of חמש khamésh ‘five [lines]’ + שיר shir ‘poem’.

Limericks are usually associated with English. But Israeli, which is a Jewrasian (Jewish+European+Asian; Semito-European) hybrid language, is abundant with limericks. Here are some of Professor Ghil'ad Zuckermann's limericks (khamshirim) in Israeli:

מעשה בחתולה, שמה מיצי

שפונקה, אף הוטסה לאופיצי 

תפוזים סחטו לה

עכברים שחטו לה

אך רצתה היא לינוק, רק מציצי


Maasé be-KHATÚLA shmá mítsi

She-punká, af hutsá le-Uffítsi

Tapuzím saKHATÚ LA

Akhbarím shaKHATÚ LA

akh ratstá hi linók, rak mi-tsítsi


There was a cat named Mítsi

That had been spoiled, even flown to Uffizi

Oranges have been squeezed for her

Mice have been slaughtered for her

But she only wanted to be breastfed (from a tsítsí 'tit')


(Please note the repetition of KHATÚLA 'female cat')

מעשה בפרופסור, שמו ניק

שאהב פרמיזן ונקניק

אותו אם חיפשת

מצאת עם פסטה 

תובנות בלשניות מעניק


Maasé be-profésor, shmo ník

She-aháv parmizán ve-nakník

Otó im khipásta

Matsáta im pásta

Tovanót balshanyót maaník


There has been a professor named Nick

Who loved Parmesan and sausage/ham

If you looked for him

You found him with pasta

Linguistic insights giving

מעשה בפרופסור גלעד

שאהב לאכול שוקולד

ביום חול, בשבת

באלול ובשבט

ואפילו בחג המולד 


maasé be-profésor gilád

she-aháv le-ekhól shokolád

be-yom khól, be-shabát

be-elúl ve-be-shvát

ve-afílu be-khág ha-molád




Story in Professor Ghil'ad 

That-liked to-eat chocolate

In-day unsacred, in-Sabbath

In-Elul(month) and-in-Shvat(month)

And-even in-feast CONSTRCUCT.STATE the-birth




There has been a Professor Ghil'ad 

Who loved to eat chocolate 

In a weekday, in Sabbath

In August, in February 

And even in Christmas. 

© 2017  Professor Ghil'ad Zuckermann

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