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One of Dr Ghil`ad Zuckermann's Italo-Hebraic Bilingual Homophonous Poems

The following is constrained literature, a logological piece, in which the Israeli Hebrew part sounds identical to the Italian. From the English translations provided below, one can see that the poem(s) makes sense, although it has a surreal, evocative flavour, and modernist style. Poetic licence is fully employed. As Thomas Paine once said, 'The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related, that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous; and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again.' (The Age of Reason, Part 2: Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology, London: Daniel Isaac Eaton, 1796, p. 20).


שֶדֶל (שִיר דוּ-לְשוֹנִי) עִבְרִי-אִיטַלְקִי מס' 31

גלעד צוקרמן


Libido, Eva,

esce da


che tale dá:




regali. Matteotti

pone gabinetto da Roma.

Mó tira la carrozzella da galeotto

Domani, Anna, vai a scuola!

Scemo villano maresciallo

stamani me lo diceva

a colpo sicuro.

C'é marinaro a bordo, e allora?

Alla nave, ballerina

(i tacchi belli armoniosi funesti)

lascia borsa nera,

bozza locale, sambe, ossa...

Ero in culo alla


Gabbia di matti!


alti crani.

Amor di miele

annulla pere.

Amarti coll'anemone

alpina e

col cuore a pezzi... Vattene,

primipara primitiva

da mozzarella,

col cane!

Sacchi, no! Ho capito

apologo reale d'oro.

Calda attenzion

ha cambiato la reazion!!!




My heart is languishing, 
the fire is a witness. 
I am absorbing 
one of the stages of labour. 
Never mind me, 
What is there for me? 
This moment is repulsing me. 
My back turns due south; 
it leaves a pillow or a fish rib. Discover it! 
It seems to me that humility is a school, 
which leads, say, to wickedness. Not 
without reason am I melodious, it’s seven o’clock! 
Everything here is coverage or 
is it that Rina sees a pit gliding over Ora? 
Allah is moving and coming to Rina, 
with whom Yosifun was granted a palace. Esti 
kneaded a pit which hates evil; 
her mud does not use up the drug while making 
heroin which is all ‘Allah’. 
Please enjoy yourself! 
Gabby… Adi… Matty! 
Whose voice is bad? 
Do not call me. 
The rebels – who are they? 
Answer the savage! 
I said ‘voice, answer!’, counting 
according to a handsome man. 
A mouth-tearing voice ordered a basket 
of fruit from a cow, fruit from its nature: 
blood, treasure of a goddess. 
A jealous voice: 
‘his knife or his spoon, 
his nose does not detract from his generation’. 
Light-minded, there is no Zion; 
The comer – his arrival at his friend’s is Zion! 


Libido, Eva, 
comes out of Nicolette, 
who gives the following: 
gifts. Matteotti 
puts down a toilet from Rome. 
Now he pulls the convict’s pram. 
Tomorrow, Anna, you go to school! 
An idiotic, rude marshal 
told me that this morning, 
without fail. 
There is a seafarer on board, what now? 
On the ship, a ballerina 
(the beautiful, harmonious, sad heels) 
leaves a black bag, 
a local draft, sambas, bones… 
I was in a whale’s 
arse! [i.e. I was lucky!] 
A cage of madmen! 
A miracle: 
long skulls. 
Love of honey 
overrides pears. 
Loving you with Alpine 
anemone and 
with a broken heart… Go away, 
a primitive primipara [a first-time mother] 
of mozzarella, 
with the dog! 
Sacks, no! I understood 
a golden royal fable. 
Ardent attention 
changed the reaction!!! 

ליבִּי דוֹאב,

האש עֵדה.

אני קוֹלֵט

קטע לידה

אני מילא

אני מה לי?

פֵּה דל לי,

רגע לי מטֵה אותי.

פּוֹנֵה גבִּי נֵטו דרומה;

מותיר הלה כּר או צלע דג. גלה אותו!

דומני: ענווה היא אסכּולה,

שמובילה, נאמר, רֵשע. לא

סתם אני מלודי. שבע!

הכּל פה סיקור או

שמא רינה רואה בוֹר דואֶה על אורה?

אללא נע וְ-בּא לרינה,

איתה קיבל לי ארמון, יוסיפון. אֵסְתִי

לשה בוֹר שנֵא רע;

בּוֹצהּ לא כַּלֵה סם בְעושה

הרוֹאין - כּוּלוֹ "אללא".

בּלֵה נא!

גבִּי... עדִי... מתִי!

מי רע קולו?

אל תקראני

המורדים, מי אלה?

ענוּ לַפֶּרֶא!

אמרתי: קול, ענֵה! מונֵה

על פי נאֵה.

קול קורע-פּה ציווה טנא

פְּרִי מִפּרה, פְּרִי מִטִּבעה:

דם אוצר אֵלה.

קול קנֵא:

"סכִּינו או כּפִּיתו,

אפּוֹ לא גוֹרֵע לדוֹרוֹ".

קל דעת, אֵין ציוֹן;

הקם - בִּיאתו לרֵע, ציון!

© 2017  Professor Ghil'ad Zuckermann

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